Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Fine Fettle Patronage

     We all know that SONA, State Of The Nation Address is one of the most prime event here in our country, Philippines. All legislators, students, parents, the youth or let's just say, every individuals should be aware and involve of the avowals. SONA, it also regards about the country status of our mainland. These past few days, SONA was on-air, July 23, 2018. President Duterte, who headed the joint session is deeply involve due to the nations' eminence and have to state his up-minded affirmations. In this record, lots of people agreed on what President Rodrigo Duterte stated on the said session.
     I am amazed on what our President Duterte abetted. He said "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives", that statement made me think deeply because I remember the killings before and the one qouted "stolen wealth does not make the thief respectable", in that moment I heard that quote, I was about to jump because of shock and joy. He proved that he did not run just for the chaired-position, it is not only for the money he can get, it is because he want that his name will be etched or tattooed to people's mind that he is a good president.
     In his third SONA, it is his most meaningful session he headed. We must support and respect him because he knows what is best for our country.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Plant, Spend Less And Gain

     People cannot deny how veggies and fruits are very expensive. We cannot also deny that as a punter, we want that the sustenance we purchase is good and healthy. But, what if we will find ways in order for us to spend less and make ourselves assured that the food we eat is in fine fettle and harmless?.
     The the theme of the Nutrition Month Celebration for the s.y 2018-2019 is "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin" and in the instant moment I heard the theme, it made me ponder deeply. My queries before were answered. Planting, planting is the answer. Honestly, many Filipinos loves to plant and we can really see how happy they are when it comes to planting. The theme thought me that we can spend money less if we plant and in this dispute, this can also help us to change our lifestyle. Many avowals were not likely accepted regarding today's millennial practices. I admit, planting is not really my thing, I am more on gadgets and social medias but thankfully, my grandfather is really an eye-opener. He thought me that planting is like saving money in a bank and really abetted me though.  Anyways, "Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin" tells us that in every family houses should have their own garden or planting area for fruits and veggies. We need to plant from our hearts and we need to put this in our minds that this is a great help where in for us that the food we are eating are healthier and safer.
     Moreover, if we practice planting, it is not only our body will look healthy, it also includes the way we think because we will learn a lot of it; in agriculture, on how we lessen the money we spend on buying goodies, and also the other benefits of planting, all of this will. We should really do this because in the sense of planting, this may turn out one of our hobbies and will be a one way of saving our nature. Plant, gain and be healthy.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Letter To The President

Dear Mr. President

                  A very brave and decisive man who have been ousted twice at their school when he was in elementary has something to do with our impure country. At his tertiary level, he studied Political Science at Lyceum of the Philippines University and he was then a prosecutor for in Davao City. He served Davao City for 22 years and was named as the longest-serving mayors here in the Philippines. He ran as a President and he won with a 39.01 percent garnered. He even made his words popular specially the "I hate drugs" and then people made his words as a punchline, his name is President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and that is you sir.
                   Your actions in illegal drug trade have been efficacious. You made a strong contact and formed a new organization which the country China,Russia and Philippines will be partners in aiding each other's nation but, you distanced Philippines from the United States and European nations unexpectedly. As time passes by, you made a very controversial issue regarding the "Oplan Tambay". In this dispute, many innocent individuals were not able to liberate their selves because of your eagerness and cockiness.
                   Moreover, Priest got mad and triggered too because of what you told at a presconference these past few days. You mentioned that your "Lord" is not stupid and so with not in our God. Your avowal wasn't a pleasing that even our God sneaked into your head and slopped it in an unwanted way. Everyone cannot help their selves to calm down because of your ignorance.
                    Your words before you won were very heart-lighting but then you turned those into an unpleasing threat of drift.
                     Mr. President, I would like you to say sorry on what you said in the presconference eventhough, if ever, our religion is not the same, you should respect Him and at the same time, I am giving you my fullest gratitude because I think you are doing your best to fix our impure country.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Be Glad And Proud

     There are so many events here in the Philippines for us to celebrate. Birthdays, and Christmas days are one of the events for us to enjoy. Independence Day is one of the biggest event here in our country, Philippines. This is to to celebrate what our heroic citizens did for us Filipinos. By what they did, we are having freedom, we are free.
     Our heroic citizens like Dr. Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio are one of them. They sacrificed their lives for us to extent happiness, in order for us Filipinos to be free.  In knowledge or in physical fights, they faced it with no doubts and with no fear. For our heroes who faced the invaders or terrorists is just like a piece of cake for them just to live our lives freely. So, we should salute and put in our hearts that they are our heroes. 
     It is a great thing that we are celebrating Independence Day. I think that us, the youth of this country will strive more about the heroic deeds of our people. By celebrating Independence Day, we can let other individuals know, specially in other countries that we, the people here in our beloved country, Philippines are very glad and proud. I, I will extent more heats and tell what our heroes did for us. As a Filipina,  I will put this in mind, my soul and heart as a special thank for them.