Thursday, December 6, 2018

How much is a Merry Christmas?

Since being a young child, I have always wondered, if someone could ever give a price for an amazing Christmas.

After all, what could be the recipe for a happy and jolly Christmas. A pancit guisado costs no more than 500 pesos. A hamon is right around a thousand at most. A spaghetti is now almost too affordable, 200 pesos can go a long way. And add a cake, some chocolates and a macaroni salad for a surprise, then you have a wonderful time. However, there's still one question in my mind; "How much is a merry Christmas?"

Well first of all, how much is a complete family?- I understand that the concept a whole family is different in my perspective, than the eyes of others. Surely, it's not their fault that I am less fortunate than them. For me at least, it takes a father, a mother, me, and a few of my other relatives to make a complete family.

A father- the first ingredient. They say you need to be content in what you have, and what life gives you, afterall, I have my Lolo to stand as my father figure. Still, it is not enough, I want a dad, who can teach me sports, and teach me how to ride a bike, to be called a "daddy's girl". I want to become a daughter for once, sadly; I never met my father, he left mom, when she was pregnant. Until this day I resent him, but somehow, I still want a father. A father for a Merry Christmas.

My mother would be an easier problem, but this Christmas I asked if she would come home to see us. My mother works away from home, and she told me through messenger that she would not make it, she said she was busy; but I know the real problem, the truth is we need the money from her work.

Even though I know I couldn't afford a complete family, I still ask what is the cost for unconditional love. I know my family loves me, but sometimes I second guess, I remember last November, it was our recognition program, but sadly no one couldn't make it. I decided not to go, but reluctant, I went without a guardian. In those days, I feel like love has the greatest price, that it is a luxury I can never afford.

Lastly I would like to ask: How much is a smile for Christmas?- A lot of kids will say, it's easy to smile, but in this world full of bitterness, we couldn't see the difference between true and fake happiness. Merry Christmas, it's in the name actually, how can you be merry if you do not smile? Well, happiness has a higher tag than money itself, it needs genuine emotions, true love and care, happiness is hefty in price.

So how much would a merry Christmas be?- simple a merry Christmas is worth as much as a hug from a family, a love without regrets and a smile beyond boundaries.

How much is a Merry Christmas?- It depends on you!

We have equal rights

If men where to play Barbie dolls as boys, and if women where given guns and cars as girls. Imagine what difference does it make for both of the parties.

There is always a social stigma between effeminate and masculine. Even in the clothing isles, you still see products targeted at specific sexes at present. Mama is supposed to care for the baby, and papa, should work for the family. It's a historical, cultural, social, and ethical norm for many families. Women are for houses, and men are for the workforce.

In our community, we notice that women are not given proper opportunity and equal respect than men. It is crucial to have professions and sciences in a living environment, but it is highly dangerous to have gaps between the professionals and amateurs, scientists and sophomores. We are seeking a better life in the sense where skills are appreciated regardless of it's power and sex. A professor will never underestimate his student's ideas but respect it and help him develop it to benefit other. People will not look at a woman with high accomplishment, and undermine her capabilities as a person.

We should strive and begin to create an equal environment for both young and old, rich and poor, man or woman or any gender for that matter. In such in equal environment, people will not be treated based on their ethnicity, religion, or physical abilities. This will bring everybody to the same dinning table. Everyone has a spot in this world and by having equality we sustain our humanity.

The basic construct of the human institution is fascinating, bacause it is not based on conformity, but actually it strives for belongingness.


I bright star, falls down from her throne in heaven. She glimmers against the black of the night sky, she represents hope, faith and courage, she is the generation of tomorrow.

Where we come from is coherent to what we may want to go. It's a simple fact, that we, trace our roots, and find understanding in ourselves by doing so. As we go further back, the more we learn, but if we know where once we came, shouldn't we know where we'll turn?

Look at a tree, and you'll notice that you never get to see most of the roots, but the young leaves and flowers that bloom make it pleasing to the eye. It gives a sense of hope, for the onlooker to see. This is what we see, this is the future generation. Young minds, of intellect and talent, nurtured by many years of learning, but young and fresh. They know the past, the stand because of it, but they are significant, for they are what is shown.

Children who feel celebrated and welcomed are more likely to look back, and give back. The children we take care of, and nurture will bring prosperity and growth. Them, who we love dearly, and cherish, will be the first to stand against hopelessness, and stand with courage.

Truly, the freshest leaves are always the ones first plucked, the brightest flowers are always first smelled. This is a symbolism, that reminds us, that youth doesn't last long, but if we have given the shortest time to celebrate them, then they will forever grow strong and independent, to achieve flowing success and happiness in their chosen paths.

Guiding and nurturing, loving and caring. We are in the responsibility, to develop these little flowers, into fruits of the future.