Sunday, March 10, 2019

A breath of celebration 116 years in its creation...

It is a feast marvelled by the sight of colours, an outburst of excitement, and a steady flow of happiness. In its discourse and premise, is a promise of valued success. Adequating the purpose of a monument that stands: Ilocos Sur National High School.

It's foundation celebrated by his students, both present and past. An exciting mix of inspiration and hope. Fueled by one institution, that catered their love for learning. 

This 116 years have truly created a feet of excellence. It is not a wonder, why many choose Ilocos Sur National High School. The celebration shows off, the many talents tgat are nurtured by the institution, both intellectually and artistically. Students are proud to raise the school banner, and alumna's of different paths converge to hail their alma matter.- to thank him, for the invaluable knowledge it has imparted, because high school is truly the most unforgettable experience you'll ever have.

Through the ages, working with only the best. The students are proud to sing, "we are all very proud of Ilocos Sur National High School!"

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